l'ARTisanale Designer Boutique

Our designer boutique, at 4 rue Boson 38200 Vienne, is open Tuesday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Friday, Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

You will be welcomed by one of our creators every day of the week, and he will be able to explain the work of each one to you. On Saturday you can meet 2 of our creators. Come and discover the beautiful work of the artisans of the region.

Yannick from the Atelier du Pilat, potter // @atelierdupilat

Tiina de Tiinaceramik, ceramist // @tiinaceramik

Michael from The craft shop , wood turner // @michelgour

Amandine from La Rose des Vents pottery , potter // @poterie_la_rose_des_vents

Olivier de l'Esprit des Bois, draftsman and wood // @olivierferra

Celine from La Fée Punti , painter // @lafeepunti

Valerie from Les p'tites laces, seamstress // @lesptitesdentelles

Stephanie from Vitrail Ste Colombe , glassmaker // @vitrailstecolombe

Agnès de Encre Patine, linographer // @ink_patina
Sonia from Minuscules Délices, fabric designer // @minusculesdelices

Cecile from ByHeliantas,ecoprint and jewelry designers // @heliantas

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